Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Welcome to Covenants

    • Covenants

    • Welcome to the Covenants Workbook.

    • Welcome to the Covenants Field Exercise

    • Welcome to the Covenants Feedback



Rocky LaGrone

I am a Seasoned sales development expert with over 25 years in sales development and training. As a sales veteran, I have worked with a myriad of sales teams in the areas of individual rep evaluation and analysis, development, in-depth training, sales management, customer service, and leadership. With regard to overall strategy, I focus on the core products and services of the business to refine and build a complimentary sales strategy in line with the goals and objectives of the company for maximum ROI. Throughout my career, I have worked with well over 1,000 companies of all sizes in various industries and have found one thing to be true. Transition and change in business is not only difficult, but inevitable. I thrive in the evolutionary environment undergoing a new product offering, new leadership, new technology, and changing business landscape, having experienced each of these many times with my clients.